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Why Are Men More Reluctant to Engage in Ecstatic Dance?

Society • 3 min read • Aug 12, 2024 12:02:24 PM • Written by: Carlos

Ecstatic dance is a liberating practice that allows individuals to express themselves freely through movement, connecting mind, body, and spirit. Despite its numerous benefits, many men are reluctant to engage in it - particularly in Ireland. Cultural expectations, fear of vulnerability, and misconceptions about dance all play a role in this hesitancy. In this post, we'll explore the reasons for this and consider how men can overcome this mental block in order to experience the transformative power of ecstatic dance.

Understanding Men's Reluctance

Cultural Conditioning and Gender Norms

From a young age, many men are socialised to conform to rigid gender norms that emphasise stoicism, control, and emotional restraint. This is particularly true in Irish culture, which still carries baggage from a more conservative past. Freeform dancing in an expressive manner is perceived as contrary to the powerful prevailing norm of emotional restraint. As a result, men may feel self-conscious or fear judgment when considering ecstatic dance.

Fear of Vulnerability

Ecstatic dance requires participants to let go of their inhibitions and embrace vulnerability, yet men are conditioned to project strength - and to interpret vulnerability as a lack of stength. For many men, the idea of expressing emotions openly and moving without predefined steps can be intimidating. The fear of looking foolish or being judged by others can create significant resistance.

Misconceptions About Dance

There is a common misconception that dance, particularly ecstatic dance, is primarily for women or is inherently feminine. This is despite the fact that dance can be a powerful way to express masculinity and sexuality. This stereotype can deter men from participating, as they may feel that dance is not a "masculine" activity. A lack of visible male role models in the ecstatic dance community can further reinforce this mistaken belief.

Overcoming Resistance

While the reluctance to engage in ecstatic dance is understandable, there are ways men can overcome these barriers and embrace the practice:

Educate and Reframe

Understanding the benefits of ecstatic dance can help reframe negative perceptions. Ecstatic dance is not just about movement; it's a holistic practice that promotes mental clarity, emotional release, and physical well-being. Learning about its history and the diverse cultures that have embraced dance as a sacred and communal practice can also provide a broader perspective.

Start Small

For those new to ecstatic dance, starting small can make the experience less daunting. Begin by dancing alone at home, where there is no pressure or judgment. Create a playlist of music that resonates with you and allow yourself to move freely. Gradually, you can build confidence and consider joining a small, supportive group.

Focus on the Internal Experience

Shift the focus from external appearance to internal experience. Ecstatic dance is about connecting with your body, emotions, and the present moment. Let go of concerns about how you look and instead pay attention to how you feel. Understand the merits of connecting with both your masculinity and your femininity. Embrace the freedom to move in ways that feel authentic and liberating.

Connect with Male Role Models

Look for male role models within the ecstatic dance community. Many men have overcome similar challenges and found immense value in the practice. Connecting with them can provide inspiration and support. Attending workshops or retreats led by male facilitators can also help dispel the notion that ecstatic dance is not for men.

Find a Safe and Inclusive Community

Seek out ecstatic dance events that emphasise inclusivity and non-judgment, such as our ecstatic dance events in Dublin. We provide a welcoming space without judgement or criticism.

Benefits Await

The benefits of ecstatic dance are profound and multifaceted. Men who embrace this practice often report increased emotional resilience, reduced stress, improved physical health, and a deeper sense of connection to themselves and others. The act of dancing freely can be a powerful antidote to the pressures of modern life, offering a sanctuary for self-expression and healing.

Ecstatic dance invites everyone, regardless of gender, to step into the rhythm of their true selves. By embracing this practice, men can discover a new dimension of freedom, connection, and joy. And this can act as a source of strength, confidence and ongoing personal development. 

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Founder & Resident DJ @ Ecstatic Dance Ireland